Thursday, October 29, 2009


Sorry for taking so long to update this thing! Quick update on the Bee family: Queen Bee is no longer working full time! WHOA! However I will be making/selling cupcakes for the holiday season so please let me know if you want some! You can choose the flavor you want and I will decorate them according to the theme of your choosing!! I will post prices and pictures of examples in a few days. The Worker Bee got transferred to a different site and likes it a LOT more! As for the Baby Bee, he is doing AMAZING! He started rolling over 2 weeks ago and will not stop. Silly boy. He is also starting to talk and coo to us. It is pretty fun stuff! I am pretty excited about this semi-fall weather we have been blessed with! Today when I woke up it was 43 degrees outside. That's dang impressive for Arizona! Also we MOVED! We're in our same apartment complex but in a bigger 2 bedroom unit. We L O V E it. Let's see what else..... OH! The Baby Bee got blessed in church on 11-01-09. Worker Bee did a wonderful job and we were so lucky to have our family there with us. Here are some more recent pictures of our family. These are Curtis trying to be all cool. ENJOY!!


  1. Your gangsta baby is SOOO cute!

  2. I love him! A little jealous that he is rolling over. My baby is a month older and has yet to do it!

  3. What a cutey! Love the camo-a nod to the family army roots! ~Anthony

  4. SO glad things are working out! & thats exciting you got a new apartment thats always really nice! :)
